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Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines

At SRS, we are passionate about scientific instrumentation and its use for performing ever-better measurements. That is why we are starting the SRS Technique Papers series where our customers can share the interesting and innovative ways they are using our instruments. By contributing a Technique Paper describing your measurement system, your work will gain visibility via our website, and you will earn a $500 cash award for your contribution.

We ask that contributors first submit a brief proposal (1-2 paragraphs) before assembling the full-length article. This proposal should include:

1. Your name, position, and affiliation
2. A few sentences describing your experiment
3. A few sentences describing your measurement setup, with emphasis on how you are utilizing SRS products
4. A brief outline of your proposed Technique Paper
5. A list of figures, diagrams, animations, etc. that you would include with your Technique Paper

We will review your proposal and notify you within 2 weeks whether we are interested in a full-length article. Based on the proposal, we may suggest some modifications or shift in emphasis.

The full-length Technique Paper should consist of the following:

• 5-7 pages in length (typical), single-spaced, in a file format of your choice (Word, LaTeX, HTML; contact us about other formats)
• A very brief introduction into the phenomenon under study and the measurement technique being used. This is not meant to be an exhaustive review (as would be found in a review article, for example) as readers of the Technique Paper will likely already have familiarity with the science and are primarily interested in how to get started with measurements. Some background regarding prior measurement techniques and what makes this particular technique better could be useful.
• List of equipment and materials needed to conduct the experiment
• Detailed description of experimental setup and measurement protocol (this is the bulk of the Paper)
• References, including citations to your own work which utilize the setup under consideration

Your Paper should try to mention common pitfalls or mistakes, best practices, and lessons learned from building your own experiment. Think back to what would have been useful for you to know when getting started on the project. We expect that the Paper will include several figures (setup schematics, block diagrams, flow charts, timing/modulation protocols, etc.), as well as example data to elucidate the measurement protocol. Please clearly label figures and data plots.


• Amount: $500, payable by check to the primary author of the Technique Paper.
• Checks will be mailed within 4 weeks of final acceptance.


• Anyone conducting original research with SRS products.

Selection Criteria

• Clarity and thoroughness of explanation. A reader should be able to set up their own experiment and conduct preliminary measurements by following the instructions of the Technique Paper. The article should read like a lab manual for advanced undergraduates.

Further Conditions

• Author agrees to have their work published on the SRS website, and must complete a Transfer of Copyright agreement.
• Author agrees to be contacted by SRS during the editing and publication of the Technique Paper.

Any questions or inquiries regarding Technique Papers can be mailed to

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